Monday, 17 October 2016

Pitch Task 2. Brand Image (By Faiz)


Artist name:
Joe Mamu

The name of our artist will be Joe Mamu. We have decided that this will be a good and efficient name because it sounds like a name that will draw our target audience to the artist and appeal to them.

Our artist is similar to the following artists:

Ed Sheeran

James Bay

       Sam Smith

Our artist will appeal to a more female target audience and this will correspond with the way they dress and act in the video.
The artist will have a casual look and they will wear things such as jeans, shirt and a bomber jacket.

I believe that this image will help connect with our target audience as he will have a typical male lead artist look that most of the young female audience love and the song will match with the theme and the look of our artist and the whole video itself. This style of clothing is also very common amongst teens and young adults.

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