Wednesday, 28 December 2016
Friday, 23 December 2016
Saturday, 17 December 2016
Analysing existing Digipaks of the Same Genre Part 3
Shawn Mendes' digipak main image is a long shot of the artist on a chair holding a guitar which is conventional in this genre. The colours that are used are simple and go together. The font is very simple but it goes with the genre. The legal information contains the copyright information, record label and release dates. There's a lot more photo than text on the digipak.
Theres's links from the digipak to the website as they use similar images from the digipak; they were taken from the same shoot. The colour scheme and font stayed the same.
Friday, 16 December 2016
Analysing existing Digipaks Part 2
I also looked at Pink's Digipak.
I found that the main image on the front cover of the digipak is of the artist. She is squatting down in a seductive way, wearing a crop top, short shorts, a suspender belt and red high heals. A similar photo is used on the back of the digipak; the same position but her arms and face are in a different way. Inside the digipak, there's a black and white mid close-up shot of her face. This is quite unconventional for the pop rock genre, however I believe that it fits well.
The fonts that are used are quite different from each other. Theres a simple yet bold font, a marker like font and then a curly font. I believe that all of these suit the genre. The font is also in the colour white.
There's a lot more photo than text on and in the digipak. This is so that the artist gets the most attention. As the artist is in seductive clothing and wearing red heals, this is part of the sex appeal that a lot of pop rock artists tend to go for.
On the digipak, there's institutional information such as the record label, website, and copyright information.
There's also links to the website as they use similar fonts, hair iconic hairstyle remains the same and the exclamation mark in her name remains there.
I found that the main image on the front cover of the digipak is of the artist. She is squatting down in a seductive way, wearing a crop top, short shorts, a suspender belt and red high heals. A similar photo is used on the back of the digipak; the same position but her arms and face are in a different way. Inside the digipak, there's a black and white mid close-up shot of her face. This is quite unconventional for the pop rock genre, however I believe that it fits well.
The fonts that are used are quite different from each other. Theres a simple yet bold font, a marker like font and then a curly font. I believe that all of these suit the genre. The font is also in the colour white.
There's a lot more photo than text on and in the digipak. This is so that the artist gets the most attention. As the artist is in seductive clothing and wearing red heals, this is part of the sex appeal that a lot of pop rock artists tend to go for.
On the digipak, there's institutional information such as the record label, website, and copyright information.
There's also links to the website as they use similar fonts, hair iconic hairstyle remains the same and the exclamation mark in her name remains there.
Analysing other artists websites! Part 2
Analysing other artists websites! Part 1
James Arthur's Website.
I found that his website was really fun and artsy, and modern. I believe that everything is well themed and goes with the genre.
Tuesday, 13 December 2016
Ancillary Research - Website
As I chose to create a website for our artist, I looked at a previous student's one. I really liked this website as it really linked to the Digipak that they created . The colour scheme, photos and font were very similar, if not the same. All the links were functioning and they even had the detail of the store; photos of each product as well the prices.
I also decided to look at James Arthur's Website as it was his track that we used for our music video, meaning that he is the same genre as our artist, Joe Mamu.
I found that as soon as you log on to the website, already there is promo; giving the option to buy his album, single and to view the music video for the single.
The other pages that are on the website include a News page and a Tour page, showing when and where James is going to be performing. I have noticed that throughout the website, the photos that are used are from the same photoshoot as the album cover, revealing that the synergy used is his low cut black t-shirt, as well as his chest tattoos. The font used on each page is the same, as well as sticking to the three simple colours; black, white and red. When creating my own website for our artist, I need to ensure to include my own synergy which is going to be our artist's guitar as well as his black coat.
Ancillary Research - Digipak
My favourite previous student Digipaks
When making my own Digipak, I need to ensure that I use Synergy which is going to be the Artist's black coat and guitar.
Research- Start of Ancillary Work
For the ancillary work, I have decided to make a Digipak aswell as an magazine advert for my artist. In order to do this successfully, I decided that it would be best to do some research on those two things and see how I will make my work comparable with real life artist and this will also make it easier for me to understand what I am trying to do when it actually comes to making it. I gathered a lot of information which I feel will be really beneficial to me in the long run of this course.
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Start of the Ancillary Work
We are starting our ancillary work for our Artist. I have decided that I am going to create a Digipak as well as a website for our artist, Jo Mamu.
Saturday, 10 December 2016
Ancillary- Do's and Don'ts
- Have a maximum of 2 clear fonts which are appropriate for the genre. Take into consideration the sizing of the fonts
- Have a colour scheme of a maximum of 3 colours. The colours must complement each other along with the colours in the pictures
- The photos used must be clear and in focus and must be the appropriate shot size of the pane and suitable for the ancillary
- Take into consideration the rule of thirds
- Include institutional detail/information
- Have links on your website which actually work and include text as well as images
- Base your panel's on the conventions of your genre
- Use effects on photoshop which are unnecessary and do not suit the genre
- Stretch images as they will be out of focus
- Place text over the artists face
- Use fonts because you think they look nice
Friday, 9 December 2016
Final Video Feedback
Roughcut 2 Feedback (Joseph and Sabina)
Feedback for Roughcut 2 - p1 from Group 24 on Vimeo.
Feedback for Roughcut 2 - p2 from Group 24 on Vimeo.
For the second roughcut feedback, the majority of people who watched it gave positive feedback. Some of the ways we were suggested to make improvements was to get Joseph's lip syncing in sync. There were also parts where his lip syncing wasn't clear and so we cut it out and made sure all the shots with him lip syncing were clear.
Synergy (Sabina)
Our original plan for synergy was for our artist to have this tattoo that would identify him from other artists. However, when we ordered the tattoos, the delivery date was going to take too long. We couldn't put off filming so we went ahead with the filming without the tattoo.
Since we had no synergy as we filmed, when we reviewed the footage, we realised that there was a common object in some of the footage, the guitar. So we came to a decision to use the guitar as our synergy.
There are close up shots of our artist playing the guitar as well as shots of our artist walking down Oxford Street with the guitar.
Thursday, 8 December 2016
Wednesday, 7 December 2016
Tuesday, 6 December 2016
Evaluation- Reflection On Progress
The feedback I received was very positive as I spent a lot of time improving my blog and made sure that I used a variety of ICT to make my presentations more appealing. However, the things that I could improve is that I have to finish my summer homework and update the 'costumes, props and settings' task as it isn't fully complete. Also, I should identify a clear, final storyboard or animatic.
Friday, 2 December 2016
Wednesday, 30 November 2016
Friday, 25 November 2016
Additional footage (Abigayle)
On Wednesday and Thursday, (23rd and 24th November), I filmed some footage on the GoPro with my boyfriend. The footage that we shot, only included his arm, which means that the audience would not know that someone else was in the video.
The footage that we shot was of the girlfriend, with the camera in the point of view of the artist. The purpose of this footage was to get an insight on the intimacy side of the relationship. The footage is of the couple at home, doing normal things that they would, as if no one is watching. Things such as walking their dog and chilling at home with a cup of tea.
The footage that we shot was of the girlfriend, with the camera in the point of view of the artist. The purpose of this footage was to get an insight on the intimacy side of the relationship. The footage is of the couple at home, doing normal things that they would, as if no one is watching. Things such as walking their dog and chilling at home with a cup of tea.
What's Different to what we had planned (Abigayle)
During filming, not everything goes to plan. We felt like we faced this problem when we were out. Instead, we quickly thought about other shots that would work. For example, when we shot at Oxford Street, we had planned to get long shots of our artist walking towards the camera, playing the guitar and performing the song. However, due to our location being very busy, we kept having people walk in front of the camera. To solve this, we simply shot mid shots instead.
Also, in the pitch, we had planned that the artist would be building the courage to perform the song to the character of his girlfriend throughout the video, and at the end, eventually perform the song. However, the more footage that we shot and the more we thought about, we all started to dislike the idea so decided not to take it on. Instead, we thought that simply showing the artist perform the song throughout the video, while looking back at the memories that inspired him to write the song. We believe that this will be more effective and would connect more with the target audiences.
Also, in the pitch, we had planned that the artist would be building the courage to perform the song to the character of his girlfriend throughout the video, and at the end, eventually perform the song. However, the more footage that we shot and the more we thought about, we all started to dislike the idea so decided not to take it on. Instead, we thought that simply showing the artist perform the song throughout the video, while looking back at the memories that inspired him to write the song. We believe that this will be more effective and would connect more with the target audiences.
More Filming (Abigayle)
We want to refilm footage of the artist, Joe Mamu, actually writing the song. So we are going to go to Joseph's house on Monday (28th November) after college to do this. During these shots, we intend to shot close ups of the artist's hand, as well as the words on the page. We also want to capture footage of the artist getting frustrated and struggling to write the song, which shows the emotion that he feels towards his girlfriend.
Tuesday, 22 November 2016
Sunday, 20 November 2016
Filming Day 4 (Sabina)
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We filmed on the cable carts in Royal Victoria. We thought it would be quite nice to get a beautiful view from up high to create a romantic atmosphere.
Tuesday, 8 November 2016
Filming Day 3 (Sabina)
We redid the shots in the studio since Joseph wasn't very comfortable or feeling confident about it. To make him feel a little more comfortable, we all sang along to the song with him.
Also, when we last shot in the studio we used the tripod. However, today Rebecca suggested we use the Fig Rig instead as it would keep the audience's attention on the artist.
Sunday, 6 November 2016
Filming Day 2 (Sabina)
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On the second day of filming, we used the first half of the lesson to film in the studio. We used the white back drop and had our artist sitting on a chair with the guitar. We also filmed our artist standing there without the guitar singing along to the song. We mainly used mid shots and close ups as we wanted all the focus on just the artist. We tested out some shots with the female character and the artist together with the white back drop.
During the second half of the lesson, we filmed at a nearby park. We got a wide and mid shot of the on screen couple walking hand in hand through the park as well as hugging at some point.
Filming Day 1 (Sabina)
On the first day of filming we went to Oxford Street. However since Oxford Street is a very busy area we decided to look for a more quiet area. We found a spot outside the church but then decided not to use it.
Tuesday, 1 November 2016
GoPro Test Footage (Abigayle)
Part of our feedback from our pitch was to test filming with the GoPro since we are going to be using it when ice skating at one of our locations. We tested the GoPro on the stick, on the head mount and on the chest mount. We decided that the chest mount would be the most appropriate as it is able to capture the character's feet as well as bodies.
Friday, 21 October 2016
Pitch Adjustments - Base Tracks (Abigayle Cotterell, Joseph Martinotti-Muncey)
In our pitch, we said that we were going to do 4 base tracks throughout the whole music video. It was mentioned in the feedback and we as a group realised that we didn't have enough. Therefore, we decided that we're going to do 4 base tracks in each location, apart from Winter Wonderland where they will be more and on the cable carts.
In Winter Wonderland, we'll be filming base tracks of the couple on the rides, ice skating and through the Christmas Market, messing around and having fun together. We will use the GoPro to film a few shot reverse shots, close ups and extreme close ups of the performers when they are ice skating. We will also have someone filming on the side of the ice rink at different angles to get as many different base tracks as possible. We will have approximately 7 base tracks at Winter Wonderland
In college, we'll be using a white screen which we'll be filming multiple base tracks of the couple together and of the artist alone, performing and writing the song.
The base tracks filmed in Oxford Street will be of the artist, walking towards the camera and performing the song. They will be in the day and in the evening.
Lastly, on the cable carts, we will have minimal base tracks and we will only film the couple sitting together, going past the skyline of London. We will have one base track consisting of a close up of the two performers. Another of a mid shot and one final base track of the view from the cable cart.
All together we will have approximately 18 base tracks in our video.
All together we will have approximately 18 base tracks in our video.
Pitch Feedback (Abigayle Cotterell)
We presented our pitch in front of our class and we got back both positive and things that would've made it even better.
- Good detailed pitch which covered all aspects
- Fixed developmental ideas
- Well researched styling ideas for artists
- Well organised
- Well presented and well prepared
- The idea is very strong
- Clear distinction between original and inspirational artist
- Good narrative
- Good brand image
- Found clear inspiration
Things to Improve:
- Animatic good but could be improved
- Visually showed some of the test shots
- Storyboard should be clearer
- Shot list needs to be more detailed
- Update production schedule
- Testing of After Effects and Colour Grading
In response to the feedback that we got, we're going to redo and update all the aspects that need to be done. However, we aren't planning on using after effects and colour grading unless we find that we need to incase the footage needs to be retouched.
Questions we got:
- Will the tattoos be visible in the video?
Yes, they will be seen in the video as well as the album cover.
- Have you tried out the slow motion or GoPro?
Not as of yet
Overall, we got a 8/10 from our peers for our pitch.
- Good detailed pitch which covered all aspects
- Fixed developmental ideas
- Well researched styling ideas for artists
- Well organised
- Well presented and well prepared
- The idea is very strong
- Clear distinction between original and inspirational artist
- Good narrative
- Good brand image
- Found clear inspiration
Things to Improve:
- Animatic good but could be improved
- Visually showed some of the test shots
- Storyboard should be clearer
- Shot list needs to be more detailed
- Update production schedule
- Testing of After Effects and Colour Grading
In response to the feedback that we got, we're going to redo and update all the aspects that need to be done. However, we aren't planning on using after effects and colour grading unless we find that we need to incase the footage needs to be retouched.
Questions we got:
- Will the tattoos be visible in the video?
Yes, they will be seen in the video as well as the album cover.
- Have you tried out the slow motion or GoPro?
Not as of yet
Overall, we got a 8/10 from our peers for our pitch.
Monday, 17 October 2016
Pitch task 16. Risk Assessment (By Faiz)
Some of the risk assessments that we may have while filming may include:
As we will be travelling to locations such as Oxford Street, O2 and Tower Bridge, we will have to be extra careful when travelling on public transport with the filming equipment as when we get on public transport it could be full of other members of the public who may bump into the equipment, so we have to make sure they are secured safely in their bags especially as we want to include night shots, we will have to travel with each other when carrying the equipment as at night it can be dangerous and someone may try to steal from us.
As we will be filming in Tower Bridge and River Thames, we will have to make sure that the camera is securely on the tripod and not too close to the wall so if someone accidentally knocks into the tripod it doesn't fall into the sea.
Also another risk would be the weather. As we are filming a lot of our shots outside we will have to bring an umbrella in case it rains as well as checking the weather in advance, so that way the equipment doesn't get wet. and we will have to make sure that the tripod is set up securely so that if there is a strong wind it wont fall.
As we will also be filming in Oxford Street, in the road, we will need to make sure that the road is clear with no cars, so we will film at non - peak times to reduce this.
Also another risk would be the weather. As we are filming a lot of our shots outside we will have to bring an umbrella in case it rains as well as checking the weather in advance, so that way the equipment doesn't get wet. and we will have to make sure that the tripod is set up securely so that if there is a strong wind it wont fall.
As we will also be filming in Oxford Street, in the road, we will need to make sure that the road is clear with no cars, so we will film at non - peak times to reduce this.
Pitch task 15. Production Schedule (By Faiz)
We will be looking to film on the following dates during half term:
Tuesday 25th October
Thursday 27th October
Friday 28th October
We will be filming every Tuesday afternoon and Friday afternoon once filming officially starts.
We are also planning to film on other days but we are still undecided as some people in our group will be unavailable to attend so therefore we will have to come up with further filming days that will suit everyone in the group.
Tuesday 25th October
Thursday 27th October
Friday 28th October
We will be filming every Tuesday afternoon and Friday afternoon once filming officially starts.
We are also planning to film on other days but we are still undecided as some people in our group will be unavailable to attend so therefore we will have to come up with further filming days that will suit everyone in the group.
Pitch Task 13. Storyboard and Shot List (Joseph)
Pitch Task 12. Industry (By Faiz)
Our Artist Joe Mamu would most likely be signed to Syco as it is a mainstream British record label and they feature artist such as James Arthur whose song we are using for our video. Most acoustic and pop artist are signed to mainly mainstream record companies therefore we think that Syco will be a good label for our artist. The fact that it is a British record label will also bring many advantages and Syco artist have all been under ownership of Simon Cowell's shows such as the X factor which James Arthur has previously won.
Our song will be available on a variety of different formats such as CD purchase, iTunes and Internet/digital download. We believe that as our artist is mainstream and signed to a mainstream record label, it will be more beneficial to have our song available on lots of different formats to raise awareness of the song and also to make as much success as possible out of it which is also the main priority for mainstream artists. Things such as iTunes and Internet/digital download will be efficient as it is practical and they can listen to the song whenever they want wherever they want. We will also have it available on CD for those who prefer it on that device so we are making our song available on all formats to make it accessible for everyone to use.
Pitch Task 11. Post Production (Joseph)
Number of base tracks: 4
Slow-motion: Ice Skating rink
Discontinuous editing: Jump cuts while ice skating and when in the park
Slow-motion: Ice Skating rink
Discontinuous editing: Jump cuts while ice skating and when in the park
Pitch Task 10. After Effects
We will not be using any After Effects, green-screening or colour grading in our music video.
Pitch Task 9. Synergy (Sabina)
We have decided to use this tattoo to link our music video along with the ancillary texts.
We chose to do this because, artists such as Ed Sheeran and James Arthur, produce the same genre of music and they are both known for their tattoos. Whenever you think of Ed Sheeran, other than his ginger hair, his tattoos come into mind first. Jame's Arthur's tattoos also come to mind.
Pitch Task 8. Costume (Abigayle Cotterell)
The first outfit for the character of the girlfriend of the artist is for the base tracks that are going to be shot in Winter Wonderland. The character will be wearing a plain black t-shirt, a pink pinafore dress with tights, black thigh high boots and a navy coat. The reason for this choice of outfit is that we wanted to keep the look simple yet fashionable but practical to connect with females of the audience. As we're filming on the ice rink on the same day, the boots will be replaced with fluffy socks and ice skates.
The second outfit is for the scene on the cable carts. We wanted this outfit to be very laid back and casual. The outfit is simple a t-shirt, black jeans, black boots and a thick coat.
The last outfit for this character is simply this floral off the shoulder top and a choker necklace. Again, we wanted the outfit to be simple yet stylish. As the scene containing the female character using the white backdrop at college will be shot using a mid shot and a close up, the other half of the outfit doesn't need to specific.
The first outfit for the character of the girlfriend of the artist is for the base tracks that are going to be shot in Winter Wonderland. The character will be wearing a plain black t-shirt, a pink pinafore dress with tights, black thigh high boots and a navy coat. The reason for this choice of outfit is that we wanted to keep the look simple yet fashionable but practical to connect with females of the audience. As we're filming on the ice rink on the same day, the boots will be replaced with fluffy socks and ice skates.
The second outfit is for the scene on the cable carts. We wanted this outfit to be very laid back and casual. The outfit is simple a t-shirt, black jeans, black boots and a thick coat.
The last outfit for this character is simply this floral off the shoulder top and a choker necklace. Again, we wanted the outfit to be simple yet stylish. As the scene containing the female character using the white backdrop at college will be shot using a mid shot and a close up, the other half of the outfit doesn't need to specific.
Pitch Task 4. Audience part 1 (Sabina)
The audience of the song we chose is primarily 55 year old women. However, we are going to aim this song to an audience of a much younger age.
Our video will appeal to our chosen target audience through the clothes that our artist will be wearing. Since our target audience is mainly female, both teens and young adults, we have chosen a style that will appeal to them. We've decided that the clothes our artist will wear, will be on the casual side, such as jeans, t-shirt, jacket. This is because, this style of clothing is common between our chosen audience and so it will help to connect them to the artist.
Pitch Task 3. Idea (Abigayle Cotterell)
When planning our own music video, we looked at many different artists in the Acoustic Pop genre and also looked at few pop videos to perhaps widen our audience. There were many features in various music videos that inspired us with the planning of our own.
Firstly, we had inspiration from James Arthur's performance on the X Factor to have a rain effect in the video. In the live performance the rain effect was done with lights, however in our video we are looking into using real water.
The idea of the guitar was something we didn't think about. We knew we had to include it in the video due to the song being in the acoustic genre. The guitar is also used in the live performance as well as the original video.
Our music video follows Goodwin's theory about music videos. Our video will be an illustration as the video tells the story of the lyrics. As well as this, the video is being built around the song, the artist is a narrator as well as a character in the video, and the singer will often look into the camera.
Firstly, we had inspiration from James Arthur's performance on the X Factor to have a rain effect in the video. In the live performance the rain effect was done with lights, however in our video we are looking into using real water.
The idea of the guitar was something we didn't think about. We knew we had to include it in the video due to the song being in the acoustic genre. The guitar is also used in the live performance as well as the original video.
Our music video follows Goodwin's theory about music videos. Our video will be an illustration as the video tells the story of the lyrics. As well as this, the video is being built around the song, the artist is a narrator as well as a character in the video, and the singer will often look into the camera.
Pitch Task 2. Brand Image (By Faiz)
Artist name: Joe Mamu
The name of our artist will be Joe Mamu. We have decided that this will be a good and efficient name because it sounds like a name that will draw our target audience to the artist and appeal to them.
Our artist is similar to the following artists:
Ed Sheeran
James Bay
Sam Smith
Our artist will appeal to a more female target audience and this will correspond with the way they dress and act in the video.
The artist will have a casual look and they will wear things such as jeans, shirt and a bomber jacket.
I believe that this image will help connect with our target audience as he will have a typical male lead artist look that most of the young female audience love and the song will match with the theme and the look of our artist and the whole video itself. This style of clothing is also very common amongst teens and young adults.
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