Thursday, 29 September 2016

Carol Vernallis' Music Video Theory

As well as Andrew Goodwin, whose music video theory I just researched, Carol Vernallis also has a music video theory. However, the theory is different.

Vernallis' theory about music video structure says that narratives in music videos aren't always complete. She also says that music videos are not always balanced between narrative and performance as well as the videos not always having a narrative resolution at the end.

However, she also observed the edits in music videos and she has said that edits in music videos are a lot more frequent that in films which has a rhythmic basis closely connected to the song. She has said that:
- The usual rules of continuity editing are broken in order to draw attention to what is on screen.
- Edits may be really obvious to draw attention to themselves such as special effects added.
- Jump Cuts are often used
- A master shot, also known as a base track, is frequently used to give the video a structure.
- The camera may move in time with the music.

Dangerous Woman by Ariana Grande is an example of a video that uses jump cuts as well base tracks and a variety of close ups.

Black Magic by Little Mix is a music video that contains obvious edits and special effects which draws attention to what is on the screen.


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