Friday, 25 November 2016

Filming in London - Oxford Street

Spaces by Abi Cotterell

Editing Day 1 (Joseph)

Additional footage (Abigayle)

On Wednesday and Thursday, (23rd and 24th November), I filmed some footage on the GoPro with my boyfriend. The footage that we shot, only included his arm, which means that the audience would not know that someone else was in the video.

The footage that we shot was of the girlfriend, with the camera in the point of view of the artist. The purpose of this footage was to get an insight on the intimacy side of the relationship. The footage is of the couple at home, doing normal things that they would, as if no one is watching. Things such as walking their dog and chilling at home with a cup of tea.

Filming Day 6 (Sabina)

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What's Different to what we had planned (Abigayle)

During filming, not everything goes to plan. We felt like we faced this problem when we were out. Instead, we quickly thought about other shots that would work. For example, when we shot at Oxford Street, we had planned to get long shots of our artist walking towards the camera, playing the guitar and performing the song. However, due to our location being very busy, we kept having people walk in front of the camera. To solve this, we simply shot mid shots instead.

Also, in the pitch, we had planned that the artist would be building the courage to perform the song to the character of his girlfriend throughout the video, and at the end, eventually perform the song. However, the more footage that we shot and the more we thought about, we all started to dislike the idea so decided not to take it on. Instead, we thought that simply showing the artist perform the song throughout the video, while looking back at the memories that inspired him to write the song. We believe that this will be more effective and would connect more with the target audiences.

Filming Day 5 (Sabina)

More Filming (Abigayle)

We want to refilm footage of the artist, Joe Mamu, actually writing the song. So we are going to go to Joseph's house on Monday (28th November) after college to do this. During these shots, we intend to shot close ups of the artist's hand, as well as the words on the page. We also want to capture footage of the artist getting frustrated and struggling to write the song, which shows the emotion that he feels towards his girlfriend.

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Filming Day 3 (Sabina)

We redid the shots in the studio since Joseph wasn't very comfortable or feeling confident about it. To make him feel a little more comfortable, we all sang along to the song with him.
Also, when we last shot in the studio we used the tripod. However, today Rebecca suggested we use the Fig Rig instead as it would keep the audience's attention on the artist.

Sunday, 6 November 2016

Filming Day 2 (Sabina)

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On the second day of filming, we used the first half of the lesson to film in the studio. We used the white back drop and had our artist sitting on a chair with the guitar. We also filmed our artist standing there without the guitar singing along to the song. We mainly used mid shots and close ups as we wanted all the focus on just the artist. We tested out some shots with the female character and the artist together with the white back drop.

During the second half of the lesson, we filmed at a nearby park. We got a wide and mid shot of the on screen couple walking hand in hand through the park as well as hugging at some point.

Filming Day 1 (Sabina)

On the first day of filming we went to Oxford Street. However since Oxford Street is a very busy area we decided to look for a more quiet area. We found a spot outside the church but then decided not to use it.

Tuesday, 1 November 2016

GoPro Test Footage (Abigayle)

Part of our feedback from our pitch was to test filming with the GoPro since we are going to be using it when ice skating at one of our locations. We tested the GoPro on the stick, on the head mount and on the chest mount. We decided that the chest mount would be the most appropriate as it is able to capture the character's feet as well as bodies.