Thursday, 2 February 2017

My Final Website


Final Inside of the Digipak

This is my final inside of the Digipak. My target audience said that I should've used a different font for the thank you note as it was quite hard to read. I wanted a font that looked liked the text had been hand written.

Final Digipak Cover and Back

This is my final cover and back. Once it was completed, I asked people what they thought of it and I didn't get any negative feedback. However, I got suggestions on which photos I could've used instead of my chosen ones.

Evaluation Question 1

Made with Padlet

Evaluation Question 2


Evaluation Question 3

Evaluation Question 4

What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

I've personally learnt a lot about audience feedback. It really opens your eyes and makes you realise that what you think looks good doesn't necessarily look good to or appeal to the target audience. This is something that our group had to be aware of a lot during the production of our video.

This video explains some of the things that I've learnt and have realised about the importance of feedback.